For the past of 9 years there was a growth of persons is more senior able-bodied age that can lead further to increase in demographic and pension loading in population. Thus the gain of number of long-livers, especially among men goes high enough rates. During too time decrease in level of health at the given contingent of patients is marked. According to the official statistical reporting, among the general disease in the given age group as 2010, and in 2011 leading pathologies were illnesses of system of blood circulation, kostno-muscular system and respiratory organs, but the maximum rates of a gain were registered at new growths, illnesses эндокринной and urinogenital systems. During too time among primary disease illnesses of respiratory organs, traumas and illnesses of system of blood circulations with the greatest gain of indicators among new growths, infectious and parasitic illnesses and illnesses of an eye and its additional device dominated.
Keywords population size, demographic pressure, morbidity.
Bibliographic reference:
Sokolovskaya T.A., DEMOGRAPHIC CHALLENGES AND THE HEALTH STATUS OF THE POPULATION AGED // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2013. - №1; URL: (date of access: 23.11.2024).