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«GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal



Azarov K. S.1, Gurko G. I.1
1. Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, Saint Petersburg
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According to the literature, the problem of pneumonia is widespread in clinical geriatric practice. However, despite a large number of studies on the problem of aspiration pneumonia, the main factors that contribute to the development of aspiration pneumonia in elderly and senile people in their complex interaction have not yet been identified, and, accordingly, a comprehensive system of measures for the prevention of aspiration pneumonia in elderly and senile people has not been developed. The article highlights the main risk conditions for the development of aspiration pneumonia in the elderly: the presence of undiagnosed age-related physiological and pathological premorbid changes in lung tissue, the presence of age-related disorders of homeostasis of micro-macronutrients in the lung tissue, a combination of age-related somatic changes, such as splanchnoptosis against the background of weight loss and sarcopenia, age-related cataracts with reduced vision, hiatal hernia and cognitive deficit, a combination of neurological and mental symptoms, in particular, the consequences of a stroke, anxiety-depressive syndrome, sleep disorders, the presence of arthrosis of small joints of the hand, the presence of neurological pathology with paroxysmal disconnection of consciousness (syncopal States, epilepsy) or acute neurological pathology with switching off/changing consciousness, the presence of somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer) with repeated aspiration, a combination of oral pathology and cognitive deficit, repeated aspiration, taking medications that can cause aspiration syndrome and aspiration pneumonia, what is combined with repeated aspiration and cognitive deficits, behavioral features (alcoholism, overeating) in combination with cognitive deficits and repeated aspiration, the presence of high dependence on outside help in combination with repeated aspiration.
Keywords aspiration, pneumonia, old age, risk factors

Bibliographic reference:
Azarov K. S., Gurko G. I., RISK FACTORS FOR ASPIRATION PNEUMONIAS IN THE ELDERLY // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2020. - №1;
URL: http://gerontology.su/magazines?textEn=294 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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