Medical rehabilitation is a system of measures aimed at maximizing the complete restoration or compensation of body functions lost as a result of illness or injury. Medical rehabilitation is an integral part of rehabilitation (Latin rehabilitatio - restoration) - an active process, the goal of which is to achieve complete restoration of functions impaired due to illness or injury, or (if this is not possible) optimal use of the physical, mental and social potential of a disabled person, his most adequate integration into society. For elderly patients, the main task is to maximize the restoration of the ability to self-care, so greater preference is given to physical methods of rehabilitation. The leading role in the rehabilitation of the elderly is given to kinesitherapy, mechanotherapy and exercise therapy. Motor rehabilitation should include: kinesitherapy aimed at restoring movements in paretic limbs; restoration of stability in a vertical position (along with kinesiotherapy, biofeedback using a stabilogram plays an important role here); learning to move independently; self-care skills training; fight against spasticity; treatment of arthritis; household rehabilitation (training in household skills) with elements of occupational therapy. An important task is the rapid restoration of the patient’s lost motor functions for the fastest possible return to work, or, if complete recovery is not possible, a return to as normal a life as possible. Therefore, the use of automated technology makes it possible to increase the frequency and intensity of therapy, and, accordingly, improve the quality of training compared to classical exercise therapy.
Keywords stroke, medical rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, physical rehabilitation, robotic mechanotherapy
Bibliographic reference:
Lelikova K.N., Shevchenko Yu.F., Astakhova M.Yu., Gridnev A.V., TYPES OF REHABILITATION FOR ELDERLY AND SENILE PATIENTS AFTER STROKE. ROBOTIC MECHANOTHERAPY // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2023. - №4; URL: (date of access: 23.11.2024).