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«GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal



Baghdasaryan K.S.1,2, Shevchenko Yu.F.1, Necrashevich Ya.A.1,2, Pavlenko E.V.1,2, Gololobov B.Yu.1
1. Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
2. Bolshetroitskaya District Hospital, Bolshetroitskoye village, Shebekinsky urban district, Belgorod re-gion
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The relevance of the topic is determined by the search for solutions of early diagnosis organization of sarcope-nia in the provision of planned and geriatric care to elderly and senile patients suffering from dysphagia with the aim of early qualitative diagnosis, timely and qualified treatment and increasing the duration and quality of life. Dysphagia is a violation of the pharynx function. As a result of dysphagia develops asthenia, dehydra-tion, aspiration of food, which often the cause of aspiration pneumonia developement. Swallowing disorders lead to the rapid development of sarcopenia. Attention to the problem of sarcopenia was dictated by the grow-ing life expectancy in the world, the increasing quantity of elderly people and the need to form more accurate approaches to diagnosis and treatment, as well as to the organization of medical care for patients with this condition. In recent years, there has also been a special form of dysphagia — sarcopenic dysphagia. The main diagnostic scales and questionnaires that signal the presence of a combination of sarcopenia and dysphagia, which will allow doctors of various profiles to timely and reasonably approach the treatment of a particular elderly patient are presented at this article.
Keywords dysphagia, sarcopenia, gerontology, esophagus, aging

Bibliographic reference:
Baghdasaryan K.S., Shevchenko Yu.F., Necrashevich Ya.A., Pavlenko E.V., Gololobov B.Yu., TIMELY DIAGNOSTICS OF SARCOPENIC DYSPHAGIA IN EVERYDAY PRACTICE // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2022. - №4;
URL: http://gerontology.su/magazines?textEn=428 (date of access: 16.09.2024).

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