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«GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal



Prashchayeu K.I.1,2, Ilnitsky A.N.1,2, Galkina I.Yu.1, Sanchez E.A.2, Masnaya M.V.3, Ismanova V.D.1
1. Research Medical Center "Gerontology", Moscow
2. Institute of Postgraduating Education of the FMBA of Russia, Moscow
3. Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
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The article describes the variants of premature aging. They can be the object of individual prevention based on the concept of age-related resilience. The identification of variants of premature aging, their screening and diagnosis in older young (30-44) and mature (45-59) patients makes it possible to individualize programs for the prevention of age-associated decline in somatic and aesthetic functionality based on the activation of sanogenetic mechanisms.
Keywords premature aging, prevention, resilience, sanogenesis, proresilients

Bibliographic reference:
Prashchayeu K.I., Ilnitsky A.N., Galkina I.Yu., Sanchez E.A., Masnaya M.V., Ismanova V.D., PREMATURE AGING AND RESILIENCE // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2021. - №1;
URL: http://gerontology.su/magazines?textEn=367 (date of access: 01.04.2025).

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