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«GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal



Amelkin A.K.
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A theoretical model of aging is developed in accordance with the basic laws of dialectics. Given that the cone and the spiral interact with each other, the conic sections or conic are used as a mathematical model of metabolic processes, which allows us to establish a connection between the conic sections and the periodization of the age of a person. Aging is a cyclic process of changing the level of metabolic activity with an increase in the ratio of catabolism to anabolism, which occurs along the lines of conical sections corresponding to the periodization of human age under environmental conditions. The use of mathematics and parameters of conic sections (conics) in gerontology allows us to analyze the results of metabolic processes, apply them in geriatrics, thereby preserving the active longevity of a person.
Keywords dialectics, mathematical model, conic sections, conic, catabolism, anabolism, periodization, human longevity.

Bibliographic reference:
Amelkin A.K., CONIC IN GERONTOLOGY // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2021. - №2;
URL: http://gerontology.su/magazines?textEn=366 (date of access: 03.07.2024).

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