The purpose of this work is to assess coordinated motor responses, speed and efficiency of control of the Center of Gravity (CoG) movement in women 60–69 years old. We examined 743 women aged 60–69 years (average age - 64.7 ± 2.8 years). The first group included women aged 60–64 years (n = 332), the second those of 65–69 years old (n = 411). The Motor Control Test (MCT) was performed to evaluate the postural response. To assess the characteristics of the speed and effectiveness of the CoG movement control we used the Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS) test of the “Smart Equitest Balance Manager” computer dynamic posturographic complex. During the experiment we compared women aged 65–69 with women aged 60–64. The test showed an increase in the indicator of the resultant assessment of the total MCT and a decrease in the speed of purposeful movement of the CoG in the frontal direction. The effectiveness of control of the CoG movement in the sagittal direction of the RWS test was noted. The obtained data indicate a weakening of neuromuscular reactions in women after 64 years of age. At the same time there is a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of the central nervous system in the situations of abrupt changes control for the CoG movements within the base of its reliance support. A decrease in the parameters of complex coordination and complex motor acts was detected. The study demonstrated the limit of the vertical posture stability in the sagittal direction, which negatively affects women’s postural stability and increases the risk of falls.
Keywords women aged 60–69, Center of Gravity, computer dynamic posturography, Motor Control Test, Rhythmic Weight Shift.
Bibliographic reference:
Dyomin A.V., CHARACTERISTIC OF POSTURAL RESPONSE AND PURPOSE MOVEMENT OF THE CENTER OF GRAVITY IN WOMEN AGED 60–69 // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2021. - №1; URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).