Deconditioning is an important concept in modern geriatrics, as its incidence has increased significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Rapid geriatric assessment and objectification of postural orthostatic tachycardia as a marker of pronounced detrainment is the basis for identifying this condition that develops after physical immobilization and/or restriction of social contacts. At the basic of the treatment and rehabilitation of deconditioning is the author's concept of "4R", which includes resistance-gymnastics, resistance-diet, resistance-psychology and resistance-drugs. Timely detection of this condition and its treatment contributes to improving the quality of life of geriatric patients.
Bibliographic reference:
Ilnitski A., Prashchayeu K., DECONDITIONING AS A CENTRAL PROBLEM OF GERIATRIC MEDICINE DURING PANDEMIA OF COVOD-19 // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2021. - №1; URL: (date of access: 01.04.2025).