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«GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal



Avdeeva I.V.1, Voronina E.A.2, Silyutina M.V.3, Bochko O.V.1
1. Researching Medical Center "Gerontology", Moscow, Russia
2. Ministry of Social Protection of the population of Kuzbass, Kemerovo, Russia
3. Voronezh State Medical University. N. N. Burdenko, Voronezh, Russia
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One of the most important factors of the environment, taking into account the modern trends in gerontology and neuronutricetics, which significantly affect the health and life expectancy of a person, is nutritional support with the use of additional sources of natural antioxidants in the bioregulatory nutraceuticals - chronoblockers, dietary supplements, superfoods. One of the new representatives of this group of funds, having a balanced composition of natural origin, participating in the correction of the nutrite domain, is the source of coenzyme 10 and extract of the sea scallop (Plasmalogen) seaside (Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1856) (producer of B'S Corporation Co., Ltd., 4-1-28 Kudankita, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan). The BAS plasmalogene and Coenzyme 10 have pronounced antioxidant, as well as neuro, cardiomyocyto, hepatocytoprotecprotec effects, which allows them to be universal correctors in the nutrictive domain preventive program in chronic information depletion syndrome.
Keywords internal domain, prevention, plasmalogen, coyment Q10, squeezed-syndrome

Bibliographic reference:
Avdeeva I.V., Voronina E.A., Silyutina M.V., Bochko O.V., NUTRITIVE DOMAIN OF PREVENTIVE PROGRAMS IN CHRONIC SQUEEZED-SYNDROME // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2020. - №4;
URL: http://gerontology.su/magazines?textEn=293 (date of access: 13.03.2025).

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