Total theories of organism ageing (ontogenetic, adaptation-regulatory, free radicals, telomere theory) confirmed the modern aspects of fundamental gerontology. On the example of gerontocosmethology it was shown ageing mechanisms and ways of corrections of this process. The review is summarized actual biophysical (machine cosmetology) and molecular physiology (applying of biological active substances) approaches for gerontocosmethology. There are provided the necessary of various cosmetological machine technologies combination (RF-technjlogy, IPL-technology ) and using the cosmetics with short peptides adding. The authors have put forward original protocols of integrated cosmetological procedures, which are bundled noninvasive, safety and high effect on the restoration of molecular physiology condition and visual appearance of skin.
Keywords ageing theory, skin, machine cosmetology, short peptides, gerontocosmetology.
Bibliographic reference:
Orlova O.A., Linkova N.S., Trofimova S.V., Khavinson V.Kh., TOTAL THEORIES OF AGEING AND PARTICULAR CASE: THE ANALYSIS OF SKIN AGEING AND PROGRESS OF MODERN COSMETOLOGY // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2017. - №1; URL: (date of access: 23.11.2024).