Studying of pyelonephritis clinical features elderly patient is objective research. It was examined 126 (63,3%) elderly patients and older age with pyelonephritis on the basis of urological office of City Hospital №1 of
Belgorod. Elderly patients was 95 (75,4%), older age – 31 (24,6%). In the analysis of clinical features of a course of pyelonephritis in elderly patients and older age was data in favor of a prevalence of secondary pyelonephritis (48,3% at advanced age and 57,8% in senile) over primary are obtained (6,9% and 11,1% in elderly and older age respectively). When studying structure of pyelonephritis on the course of inflammatory process it was established that the most part of the diagnosed pyelonephritis had a chronic current: 85 (67,5%) elderly patients and 28 (62,2%) patients of older age. Lack growth of microflora in urine bacteriological crops at pyelonephritis can be caused: L-form of bacteria (protoplasts) and the B-unstable L-forms (sferoplast) previous or begun with antibacterial therapy, a virus or fungal etiology of pyelonephritis, violation of an urodinamics of obstructive genesis. Also the tendency latent course of pyelonephritis is traced that considerably complicates diagnostics. Thus, further studying and the analysis of clinical features of a course of pyelonephritis at persons of elderly and older age will allow in practice to increase quality of the geriatric help of this category of patients.
Keywords pyelonephritis, elderly and older age.
Bibliographic reference:
Budylev S.A., Selivanov A.N., Gorelik S.G., Mudrakovskaja Je.V., PYELONEPHRITIS IN ELDERLY: ANALYSIS OF CLINICAL FEATURES // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2015. - №2; URL: (date of access: 16.09.2024).