The article is devoted to an urgent problem – the role of the electronic public health care and informative and communicative technologies in the system of drug service rendering to the elderly population. The development of the electronic public health care is shown to be the outcome of the state programs and initiatives realization of various countries. By means of Internet technologies and mobile public health care, medical services and drug stores perform distant diagnostic testing of the elderly patients, control the process of home treatment, and consult them for their health problems. It has been concluded that informative and communicative technologies contribute to the improvement of health literacy and treatment adherence of the elderly patients.
Keywords elderly patients, informative technologies, electronic public health care, mobile public health care.
Bibliographic reference:
Kuhach V.V., Troina S.G., Petrishche T.L., Goncharova P.V., INFORMATIVE AND COMMUNICATIVE INFRASTRUCTURE IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH CARE AND PHARMACY: BENEFITS FOR THE ELDERLS // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2014. - №2; URL: (date of access: 23.11.2024).