Diabetes mellitus (DM) in recent years, is a serious medical and social problem. The main growth of diabetic patients is mainly due to the increase in the number of patients with type 2 diabetes in older age groups. The purpose of the study - to study the effect of the age factor in the loss of red blood cells in diseases that make up the metabolic syndrome. Found that when the pathology observed morphological and functional changes in the properties of red blood cells, the most important of which are the following: an increase in the number of irregular shapes of red blood cells, red blood cell count with 'deflated ball ", the number of cells of shadows, the number of red blood cells involved in the process of sludging. А large degree of change was found in the morphological and functional and molecular characteristics of red blood cells in elderly patients in the study of pathology in quantitative terms, it allows us to consider old age an additional risk factor for diseases of destruction of red blood cells that make up the metabolic syndrome.
Pozdnyakova N.M., Prashchayeu K. I., Pavlova T.V., Bashuk V.V., ELDERLY IS AN ADDITIONAL RISK FACTOR OF PARASITIZED ERYTHROCYTES IN DISEASES THAT MAKE UP THE METABOLIC SYNDROME // «GERONTOLOGY» Scientific Journal. - 2013. - №3; URL: http://gerontology.su/magazines?textEn=111 (date of access: 16.09.2024).